Expand & create a NEW event planning revenue stream
The most comprehensive brand partnership for acquiring a profitable Luxury Invitation revenue stream specifically for small businesses in the wedding & event planning industry.
Claim your additional stake in one of the world’s fastest growing industries, (without the overwhelming, crippling tech hang-ups or delays). Leap to Luxury is a system that has been tried and tested.
I’ve ran this business for almost 14 years and in the past 7, successfully grossed six-figures and also mastered how to increase my profit margins to more than 70%.
FACTS! - The most successful businesses follow a ‘Franchise Model’. Why? Because they follow a foolproof system that is already in place.
In an ideal world, you would attract clients that don’t bat an eyelash at your prices because you are creating more than an event but rather lifelong memories of an experience. Unfortunately, the events of the last two years have made event planning challenging to say the least. And those who are not adapting to the rapid changes are simply not growing or being left behind.